Clapton Cover Info
For anyone interested: to try to make this project sound less computerized: most all you hear here are first takes, or close. Auto tune, MIDI quantizing, extreme timing fixes and whatever the hell DJ tricks everyone uses nowadays were pretty much not used. First takes are best takes!
Gear used--so I will remember in a few years?
(lead): 1971 stock 4 bolt restored strat. I did the restoration; Gary Brawer Guitars did the setup. DAW: Ableton 9 w/ Amplitude 4, BiasFX
(slide): Home built hard-tail strat. Can't remember what I used on it. I used good parts.
(acoustic): 1999 Martin D28; old AKG 414 through a TAB preamp
(Rhythm): 1960 ES345 (modded to mono); stock soapbar Gibson 66 SG; my college days 1979 USA tele; 2000 Les Paul
Electric Guitars were recorded through an Avalon 737 into an RME A-D.
1973 Fender P. Damn, I love this bass. Same Avalon setup. used some UA plugins for that.
I also cheated and used sampled bass in NI Kontact on a few tunes.
They're fake--Superior Drummer 3
Organ is VB3; rhodes is AAS lounge lizard; synths are analog/real or Arturia (hey!)
Horch RM21J into a really old Manley tube pre.